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 Special Issue on Stereotype Threat in Children
Posted by: Jennifer Steele
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: York University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 10th, 2014

Have you examined stereotype threat in children? Isabelle Régner, Pascal Huguet, and I will be editing a SPECIAL ISSUE of the International Review of Social Psychology that focus on stereotype threat in children. Please read the details below for more information on how to submit your article. Abstracts are due by January 30th, 2014. Thanks! Jenn Steele

Call for Papers:
SPECIAL ISSUE of the International Review of Social Psychology

Stereotype Threat Among Children

It is now well established that stereotype threat can impair the performance of negatively-stereotyped group members in different ability domains. Although well documented among college-aged samples, this phenomenon has been less investigated among children. The International Review of Social Psychology (IRSP) will publish a special issue that aims to bring together research that addresses stereotype threat effects among children in different ability domains. The Special Issue will be guest-edited by Isabelle Régner (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS), Jennifer Steele (York University) and Pascal Huguet (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS). We cordially invite submissions addressing stereotype threat, including papers that examine means to reduce stereotype threat effects, among children. Papers using experimental and/or quasi-experimental methods in field or laboratory settings as well as review papers will be considered.

Important dates for manuscript submission:

January 30th, 2014: Abstract submission deadline.

March 30th, 2014: Paper submission deadline.

June 30th, 2014: Provisional acceptance of papers

September 15th, 2014: Revised final manuscript due date.

Authors who plan to submit manuscripts are asked to submit an abstract for initial screening to by January 30th 2014 that includes: (a) a tentative manuscript title, (b) names and affiliations of all authors, (c) contact information for corresponding author, and (d) an abstract of 500 words. Following initial approval, authors will be asked to submit the manuscript before March 30th, 2014. Authors who do not submit an abstract may still submit manuscripts, but these will be considered for the special issue only if space and time allow.

Original research papers can be Short Research Notes (fewer than 3000 words, including text, notes, and an abstract that is no longer than 150 words, but excluding tables, figures and references) or Regular Articles (no longer than 8,000 words including text, notes, an abstract that is no longer than 250 words, tables, figures, and references). All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance to the APA guidelines and should be submitted via e-mail to:

All papers will be peer-reviewed. For further inquiries, please e-mail the guest editors at:

Attachment: Call for papers Special Issue IRSP.docx

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