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 Social NeuroEndo 2014: Data Blitz Deadline
Posted by: Elizabeth Page-Gould
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Toronto
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 14th, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

The 2014 Social Neuroendocrinology Pre-conference (Social NeuroEndo) of SPSP is gearing up for its biggest and best year yet! Our exciting list of invited speakers is provided below.

As has become a beloved tradition at Social NeuroEndo, we feature a Data Blitz, which is a series of ten, 5-minute, 5-slide presentations. This is an opportunity for early career scholars to share their work with and gain exposure to the social neuroendocrinology community. Submit your abstract by 11:59 pm PST this Sunday, December 15th at this web address:

Registration for Social NeuroEndo will remain open until 11:59 p.m. PST on January 20th, or until the maximum attendance has been filled. To register or gain more general information about Social NeuroEndo 2014, please visit our website at:

We look forward to seeing everyone in Austin!

2014 Social NeuroEndo Invited Speakers:
Modupe Akinola
Stephanie Brown
Mark Ellenbogen
Catherine Marler
Michael McCullough
Michael Poulin
Jens Pruessner
Elizabeth Shirtcliff

Best wishes,
Elizabeth Page-Gould & Michelle Wirth
2014 Social NeuroEndo Organizers

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