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 Doctoral Program at the University of Maine
Posted by: Shannon McCoy
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Maine
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI
Date posted: December 12th, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

As we approach the busy graduate application season, we wanted to make you aware of potential opportunities for your talented students here at U Maine. We are recruiting doctoral students for next fall and would welcome applications from students interested in issues related to social justice, prejudice and discrimination, psychology of religion, and environmental/sustainable behaviors. Students with an interest in psychophysiological methods and implicit social cognition are especially encouraged to apply.

The University of Maine’s Psychological Sciences area has a strong record of engaging students in interdisciplinary research and our students have been quite successful on the academic job market.
If you have successful students with interests along these lines, please encourage them to visit our program website:

or to contact either of us directly for more information. Applications are due December 31st.

Thank you for your time,
Shannon McCoy, Social Psychology, U Maine
Jordan LaBouff, Social Psychology, U Maine

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