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 ISJR 2014 Award Winners
Posted by: Michael Wenzel
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Flinders University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 10th, 2013

The International Society for Justice Research (ISJR) wishes to announce the recipients of its 2014 awards:

ISJR Lifetime Achievement Award for 2014: Riël Vermunt

Professor Riël Vermunt of the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, has over many years made significant and lasting contributions to the study of justice, specifically on procedural justice, its interrelations with distributive justice, and links to affect, self-esteem and stress. His self-authored book “The Good, the Bad, and the Just: How Modern Men Shape their World” is scheduled to be published in April 2014. Riel was further highly instrumental for the establishment of ISJR, which grew out of a series of interdisciplinary justice conferences he organised in the 1980s and an initial justice research centre that he co-founded at Leiden. Riel’s commitment to justice research and ISJR has not waned since and he has been an inspiring mentor for new generations of justice researchers.

ISJR Early Career Contribution Award for 2014: David Mayer

Assistant Professor David Mayer at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, received his PhD in 2004 at the University of Maryland and has since produced an exceptional record of publications, many of them in leading journals in his field of management and organizational behaviour. His principal research interests are in morals/ethics in organizations, organizational justice, and affirmative action and workplace diversity. He is an incoming associate editor of the prestigious Academy of Management Journal, and currently co-organiser of the SPSP Preconference on Justice and Morality.

Both awards will be officially presented at the next biennial conference of the International Society of Justice Research, 19-22 June, 2014, in New York, at which both award winners will present an award address. For further information about the conference, please see:

Congratulations to both award winners!

Michael Wenzel
President, International Society for Justice Research
ISJR homepage:

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