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 Clash! New book on culture
Posted by: Hazel Markus
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Stanford University
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: August 7th, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce our new book Clash! Eight Cultural Conflicts that Make Us Who We Are authored by Hazel Rose Markus and Alana Conner and published by The Penguin Group.

Filled with stories and examples, Clash! is a highly accessible introduction to culture - what it is, how it works, and why it matters for everything from how we run our governments to how we raise our children.

It can be used alone in introductory classes or in combination with other textbooks.

Clash! shows how to navigate some of the deepest cultural divides. Using the latest scientific evidence Clash! explains how our cultural backgrounds create and reflect our selves and offers solutions to many of the problems that plague our workplaces, schools, and relationships.


Introduction: Culture Trouble
Chapter 1. Hearts and Minds, East and West
Chapter 2. A Spin through the Culture Cycle
Chapter 3. Women Are from Earth, Men Are from Earth: Gender Cultures
Chapter 4. Color Lines: Cultures of Race and Ethnicity
Chapter 5. Class Acts: Socioeconomic Cultures
Chapter 6. States of Mind: U.S. Regional Cultures
Chapter 7. Getting Religion: Faith Cultures
Chapter 8. Love's Labour's Lost: Workplace Cultures
Chapter 9. The Economic Equator: Cultures of the Global North and South
Chapter 10. Self-Made: The Culture of You

Please visit us at
Now available from

Best regards,
Hazel and Alana

Attachment: 9781594630989_Clash!.pdf

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