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 Call for Reviewers of Assessment Tools
Posted by: Deborah Richardson
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Georgia Regents University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 5th, 2013


The Association of American Medical Colleges’ (AAMC) MedEdPORTAL, in collaboration with the Georgia Regents University (GRU) Educational Innovation Institute, announces a call for authors and peer reviewers for an inaugural Directory and Repository of Educational Assessment Measures (DREAM). DREAM will serve as an extension of the MedEdPORTAL repository and will feature peer-reviewed, high-quality assessment tools used in health sciences education. The AAMC and GRU seek thoughtful educators with a background in assessment and/or health sciences education to author critical analyses of validated assessment measures and peer review DREAM submissions.

We invite authors to provide a 1,000-word Critical Analysis of an assigned assessment measure, including a summary of the measure’s purpose, a review of its psychometric properties, and a description of its use and applicability to health sciences education samples. Once complete, authors will submit the measure and their authored analysis to MedEdPORTAL for peer-review and potential publication.

MedEdPORTAL maintains a rigorous peer review process based on standards used in the scholarly publishing community. Each submission is scrutinized by editorial staff and independent reviewers using a standardized review instrument grounded in the tenants of scholarship. Published authors receive a formal citation for their accepted publication. MedEdPORTAL publications are considered by many to be scholarly works that may support faculty advancement decisions.

The DREAM staff will provide you with a standard template to use for your analysis and submission instructions to MedEdPORTAL. If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity further, please click on the link(s) below to complete a short form about your areas of interest and expertise.

I am interested in authoring a DREAM submission:

I am interested in serving as a peer reviewer for DREAM:
Please email us at indicating your interest. Please visit our peer reviewer guide at:

We hope that you will consider contributing to this truly outstanding collection. Please contact us at if you have any questions.


Christie L. Palladino, MD, MSc and Lara Stepleman, PhD
Associate Editors of DREAM


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