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 Call for Registration/Poster Submission
Posted by: Wouter van den Bos
Title/Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
School/Organization: Stanford University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: February 20th, 2013

***Call for Registration/Poster Submission***

“Methods in studying social cognition”
April 3-5, 2013; Schloss Mickeln, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany

The aim of this meeting is to bring together empirical scientists and philosophers to explore novel experimental methods of studying social cognition. In particular, the workshop hopes to gather researchers dedicated to developing empirical methods that go beyond the traditional Theory of Mind paradigms based on Theory Theory and/or Simulation Theory. Instead of these paradigms, which have largely focused on reflective and observational processes in social cognition, we want to focus on those paradigms that involve social interactions and allow for the study of the cognitive and affective processes underlying the interaction dynamics.

Please note: The capacity of the workshop is limited to 35 participants. Priority will therefore be given to those who are actively involved in relevant research and who will present a poster. Details on poster submission can be found below

Confirmed Speakers:

- Alan Fiske (Department of Anthropology, UCLA)

- Berna Guroglu (Brain & Development Lab, Leiden University)

- Ivana Konvalinka (Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus)

- Josef Parnas (Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen)

- Erik Rietveld (Department of Philosophy, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam).

- Jan Slaby (Department of Philosophy, Free University Berlin)

- Bert Timmermans (Social Cognition Section, School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen)

Registration/Poster submission:

If you would like to present a poster at the workshop please submit a short abstract of no more then 500 words to Wouter van den Bos ( by February 24th. If you would like to attend the workshop without presenting a poster please send an e-mail to the above address, indicating how your research is relevant to the topic of the workshop (if you need more time please let me know). Successful applicants will be sent an invitation to attend by February 28th. We regret that we cannot subsidize travel or accommodation for poster presenters. However, there will be no conference fee and you will be invited to the dinner on Thursday.

This meeting is organised by Vivian Bohl, Marion Godman, Mog Stapleton, Christoph Teufel, Wouter van den Bos, and Marijn van Wingerden. It is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation as part of a network grant from the European Platform for Life Sciences, Mind Sciences, and the Humanities.

For more information see:

This meeting is funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung -European Platform for the Life Sciences

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