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 ACR 2013 Call for Papers
Posted by: Simona Botti
Title/Position: Associate Professor of Marketing
School/Organization: London Business School
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 13th, 2012


Hilton Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
October 3-6, 2013

Conference Co-Chairs:
Simona Botti, London Business School
Aparna Labroo, University of Toronto

The theme of this conference is “Making a Difference,” which was inspired by the energy of Chicago, by its ability to change, adapt, and remain cutting edge in creative domains such as architecture, food, arts, and music. We hope that this conference will be an opportunity for consumer researchers from all over the world to discuss ways in which our ideas can make a difference to established theory and practice, as well as advance our understanding of consumers in the lab and in the field.

The Call for Papers is now available, please check the conference website at:

If you need to contact us, please email:

The website will be open for submission of papers in January.

See you in Chicago next Fall!

Aparna and Simona

Attachment: call_for_paper_email.docx

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