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 CFA: Implicit Bias, Philosophy and Psychology
Posted by: Jennifer Saul
Title/Position: Head of Department, Department if Philosophy
School/Organization: University of Sheffield
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 6th, 2012

Implicit Bias, Philosophy and Psychology, Sheffield: April 20-21, 2013

Deadline for Submission: 10 January 2012

The Leverhulme-funded Implicit Bias and Philosophy Project ( announces its fourth and final event, a conference on Implicit Bias, Philosophy and Psychology. Authors of accepted papers will have the costs of their conference attendance (including transportation) fully funded, within reason. We invite papers on any topic falling under the conference title, but would especially welcome papers exploring any of the following topics:

-Correcting for implicit biases
-Intersectionality and implicit bias
-Measurement of implicit bias
-Relationship between implicit and explicit bias
-Implementation intentions
-Motivation to control prejudice
-Implicit bias and real-world behaviour
-Malleability of implicit bias
-Varieties of implicit bias
-Implicit bias and academia
-Implicit bias and ethics
-Implicit bias and the law
-Stereotype threat
-Implicit biases and social construction
-Implicit bias and institutional prejudice
-Responsibility and implicit bias
-Blame and implicit bias
-Implicit bias and self-knowledge
-Applications of implicit bias research to "real world"

Keynote speakers will be:

Helen Beebee (Philosophy, Manchester)
Irene Blair (Psychology, Colorado)
Paschal Sheeran (Psychology, Sheffield)
Manuel Vargas (Philosophy, University of San Francisco)

Please send abstracts (up to 500 words) prepared for anonymous review to Angie Pepper:

Queries to Jenny Saul:

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