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 Handbook of Competence and Motivation
Posted by: Andrew Elliot
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: University of Rochester
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: April 29th, 2005

Dear colleagues,

A brief note to announce a recent Guilford Press publication that many of you may find of interest: Handbook of Competence and Motivation edited by myself and Carol Dweck. The handbook contains 35 chapters, written by experts in the field: Robert Sternberg (intelligence), Oliver Schultheiss & Joachim Brunstein (motives), Andrew Elliot (goals), Bernard Weiner (attributions), Dale Schunk & Frank Pajares (competence perceptions), Jacque Eccles (values), Carol Dweck & Daniel Molden (implicit theories), Moshe Zeidner & Gerald Matthews (anxiety), Mary Rothbart & Julie Hwang (temperament), Michael Lewis & Margaret Wolan Sullivan (affect in early childhood), Ruth Butler (cognitiion in early childhood), Allan Wigfield & Laurel Wagner (adolescence), Jutta Heckhausen (aging), Eva Pomerantz, Wendy Grolnick, & Carrie Price (parents), Kathryn Wentzel (peers), Tim Urdan & Julianne Turner (teachers and schools), Joan Duda (coaches and sports), Ruth Kanfer & Phillip Ackerman (workplace), Richard Ryan & Kirk Brown (policy), Janet Shibley Hyde & Amanda Durik (gender), Sandra Graham & Cynthia Hudley (race/ethnicity), Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Miriam Linver, & Rebecca Fauth (SES), Joshua Aronson & Claude Steele (stereotypes and performance), Victoria Plaut & Hazel Rose Markus (cultural construals), Chi-yue Chiu & Ying-yi Hong (cultural processes), Barry Zimmerman & Anastasia Kitsantas (self-regulated learning), Charles Carver & Michael Scheier (coping and disengagement), Frederick Rhodewalt & Kathleen Vohs (defensive strategies), Ladd Wheeler & Jerry Suls (social comparison), Edward Deci & Arlen Moller (intrinsic motivation), Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Sami Abuhamdeh & Jeanne Nakamura (flow), Mark Runco (creativity), Peter Gollwitzer & John Bargh (automaticity), Gabriele Oettingen & Meike Hagenah (imagination). The handbook is available directly from Guilford or from any web book seller (e.g., Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.).

All the best,

Andy Elliot

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