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 Social, Personality and Health Preconference at SPSP
Posted by: Sarah Pressman
Title/Position: Assistant Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: University of Kansas
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 2nd, 2012

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to announce the Social Personality and Health Preconference on January 17, 2013 prior to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) conference in New Orleans, LA.

The preconference will feature the following speakers:

-- Vicki Helgeson, “Communal Coping and Adjustment to Chronic Disease”

-- Naomi Eisenberger, “Health Neuroscience: Using the Brain to Understand the Links Between Social Ties and Health”

-- Traci Mann, “Don’t Label Vegetables Healthy: Avoiding Reactance in Food Choice”

-- Annette Stanton, “I Second That Emotion: The Place of Emotional Expression in Coping with Chronic Disease”

-- Howard Leventhal, “Cognitive-Behavioral Mechanisms Underlying the Common Sense of Health Behaviors: The Common-Sense Model (CSM)”

-- Sheldon Cohen, “Social Relationships and Health…What We Know and What We WISH We Knew” (National Cancer Institute Keynote Address)

This year's preconference will also feature a roundtable on Status Related Health Disparities, moderated by Bill Klein of the National Cancer Institute. ParticipantsBelinda Campos, Sheldon Cohen, Brenda Major, John Pachankis, and Michelle Stock will discuss the importance of considering SES, status and disparity in health research from different perspectives.

The preconference will also include a Data Blitz, which provides graduate students two minutes and two slides to present their research findings. For the first time, we are also offering $500 travel awards to two graduate students for outstanding data blitz submissions.

Finally, we will have an optional mentoring lunch for students followed by a talk and hands-on demonstration for those interested in using psychophysiology research tools in Social, Personality and Health Psychology research (Greg Norman).

The conference is hosted by the Social Personality and Health Network (SPH Network) and co-sponsored by NCI, APA Division 38 (Health Psychology), Mindware, and the journal Psychology & Health. The SPH Network is designed to promote interaction among investigators interested in issues at the interface between social and personality psychology and health:

The price will be $70 for graduate students and $100 for post-docs/faculty/post-PhDs and will include breakfast, a coffee break, and a hot lunch. Also, if you register for the 2013 pre-conference, you will receive a one-year membership in the SPH Network.

We plan to close registration on January 1, or when we meet our maximum attendance, whichever comes first. We hope that you will join us!

Best wishes,

Sally Dickerson & Sarah Pressman
2013 Social Personality and Health Preconference Co-Chairs

Sally Dickerson, University of California, Irvine
Sarah Pressman, University of Kansas,

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