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 Assist/Assoc Prof - University of Illinois
Posted by: R. Chris Fraley
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Illinois
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 25th, 2012

The Department of Psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for a full-time tenure-track/tenured assistant/associate professor position in Personality Psychology. All subfields are invited to apply. The department especially welcomes applicants working at the interface of personality and physiological systems, broadly construed, including genomics, genetics, behavior genetics, neurophysiology, hormones and behavior, and /or other biologically-based research on individual differences in personality. However, applications throughout the field of personality will be considered.

Successful candidates must conduct independent research, perform academic duties associated with our BS and PhD programs, and have the ability to teach effectively at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Instructional responsibilities include participation in the teaching of the department courses in personality, research methods, and specialized areas. Ability to develop and teach graduate seminars in personality is also expected.

A PhD is required at time of appointment. Candidates should have an active interest in personality psychology and an outstanding record of research and scholarship. The target starting date is August 16, 2013. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. This position offers excellent laboratory facilities, relocation start-up funds, and the opportunity to work with outstanding colleagues and graduate students.

To apply, create your candidate profile through and upload your application materials: letter of application, CV, up to 3 representative publications, statement of teaching and research interests, teaching evaluations if available, and contact information for three professional references. Referees will be contacted electronically upon the submission of the application. To ensure full consideration, all required application materials (including letters of reference) must be submitted by October 10, 2012. For further information regarding application procedures, you may contact Terry Davis,

Illinois is an Affirmative Action /Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity. For more information, please see:

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