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 Assistant Professor of Psychological Sciences
Posted by: Amber DeBono
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Winston Salem State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 24th, 2012

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider applying for the following position. We are seeking a replacement for a social psychologist.

Thank you for your consideration!


The Department of Psychological Sciences at Winston-Salem State University seeks an exceptional candidate at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, depending upon qualifications, for a tenure track, specialty-open, position. This appointment will begin August 2013. We seek Ph.D. candidates who have extensive quantitative training. We especially encourage applications from candidates who have expertise and a developing or established research program in any of these areas: industrial/organizational, experimental, psychology and law, or forensic psychology. The successful candidate should have training or work experience at an institution which serves underrepresented students, and will be expected to teach courses in General Psychology, statistics, and in their own or related specialties at the undergraduate level. Candidates will advise students, mentor students in research, will contribute continuing scholarship in their area of expertise, and participate in community, department, and University service activities.

Duties: Teach day and evening (and possibly distance) courses across the psychology curriculum, advise students, engage in curriculum development, conduct publishable scholarly research, engage in grant writing, and engage in departmental and university service.

Complete Applications include the following:

(1) WSSU Application Form (online)
(2) Cover Letter (submit online)
(3) Updated CV with contact information for references (submit online)
(4) Teaching and Research Philosophy (submit online)
(5) Three (3) current letters of recommendation-printed out, original signature (mailed to Department Chair directly from recommender) that address strengths, potential in teaching, scholarship, and service.

Mail is to be sent to the following address:

Psychological Sciences Faculty Search
c/o Gary D. Bond, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Psychological Sciences
203 Coltrane Hall
Winston-Salem State University
Winston-Salem, NC 27110

Review of applications will begin October 26, 2012. Applicants should apply on our online employment system at We require that applicants submit an application, cover letter, CV, and statement of research and teaching interests on the online employment system. Additionally, arrange for three letters of recommendation to be mailed directly from the recommenders (originals only, signed) that address strengths, potential in teaching, scholarship, and service to Dr. Gary D. Bond, Chair, Department of Psychological Sciences, 203 Coltrane Hall, 601 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Winston-Salem, NC, 27110. For more information about the Department, including details about research emphases for each faculty member, see:

Winston-Salem State University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and members of under-represented minority groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Please Note: A criminal background check will be conducted on the candidate finalist prior to the offer of employment.

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