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Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

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 Society for Social Neuroscience Preconference
Posted by: John Cacioppo
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Chicago
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: September 17th, 2012

***Register Today!***

Rates Increase Friday, September 21st

Have you registered for the meeting?

Registration rates will increase as of Friday Septembers 21, 2012. Onsite rates will prevail! So register early and SAVE! Register today at:

Take a look at this year's Contributed Talks
They force you to crystallize your thoughts about your research and, in this way, focus on its essence. For a detailed list of all 10 contributed talks at this year’s meeting, see:

Have you seen what is in store this year in the Symposia? For details and a list of all Symposia and Abstracts, follow this link:

Poster Session
Poster presentations are a great opportunity to interact with other scientists in your field in a reasonably structured way. For a detailed list of all Poster Sessions and their abstracts, follow this link:

Early Career Award
The winners for the Early Career award for the Society for Social Neuroscience are:
Zoe Donaldson - Columbia University (animal models)
Jay van Bavel - New York University (human)

For more information on the Society for Social Neuroscience, please visit:


Society for Social Neuroscience

Note: S4SN 2012 is a satellite meeting of SFN ( That said, you do NOT need to attend the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual meeting, or be a member of SfN, to attend the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Neuroscience ( If you are planning on attending SfN, however, please note that SfN regulations allow individuals to present their SfN abstracts during satellite events.

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