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 SAGE CFA: Encyclopedia of Lying and Deception
Posted by: Joseph K. Golson
Title/Position: Author Manager
School/Organization: Golson Media
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 14th, 2012


SAGE Call for Authors: Encyclopedia of Lying and Deception

***Please note changing article list***


The subject of lying crosses many disciplines, including psychology, history, politics, criminology, law, cultural sociology, business, family studies, education, and even health, among others. In the encyclopedia, we delve into each of these fields of study to see where lying takes a role. In history, there are great lies of governments and leaders (Adolf Hitler comes to mind); in psychology, we explain current research on what makes people lie and its effect on others; in politics, lies have sunk presidential candidates (John Edwards comes to mind); in business, the lies of corporations may have cost lives and money (Deepwater Horizon oil spill comes to mind); in education, the problem of plagiarism is rampant, not to mention cheating on SATs; in health, we know that people harbor lies that are so significant, it affects their blood pressure and stress levels. Then there is the cultural aspect: how is lying perceived in different countries and cultures? In France, lying about adultery is not perceived as a major problem, while in the United States it impeached a president. Thus, we see the pervasiveness of lying and so we will feature 375 to 400 signed articles that will be accompanied by pedagogical elements, including a Reader’s Guide, Chronology, Resource Guide, Glossary, Appendix, and thorough Index.

This comprehensive project will be published by SAGE Reference and will be marketed to academic and public libraries as a print and digital product available to students via the library’s electronic services. The General Editor, who will be reviewing each submission to the project, is Dr. Timothy R. Levine, Michigan State University.

We are currently making assignment with a deadline of October 31, 2012.

If you are interested in contributing to this cutting-edge reference, it is a unique opportunity to contribute to the contemporary literature, redefining sociological issues in today’s terms. Moreover, it can be a notable publication addition to your CV/resume and broaden your publishing credits. SAGE Publications offers an honorarium ranging from SAGE book credits for smaller articles up to a free set of the printed product for contributions totaling 10,000 words or more.

The list of available articles is already prepared, and as a next step we will e-mail you the Article List (Excel file) from which you can select topics that best fit your expertise and interests. Additionally, Style and Submission Guidelines will be provided that detail article specifications.

If you would like to contribute to building a truly outstanding reference with the Encyclopedia of Lying and Deception, please contact me by the e-mail information below. Please provide your CV or a summary of your academic/publishing credentials in related disciplines.

Thanks very much.
Joseph K. Golson
Author Manager

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