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 Win a Trip to Meet Dr. Philip Zimbardo
Posted by: Bryan Dickerson
Title/Position: Associate Director of Education and Research
School/Organization: Heroic Imagination Project
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 26th, 2012

Win a trip to meet Dr. Philip Zimbardo (and help support a great cause).


Join Dr. Philip Zimbardo at his home in San Francisco and learn more about his non-profit organization – The Heroic Imagination Project.

This doesn't happen very often — in fact, this is the first time we have invited guests to Phil’s home to understand more about our important work… how we are teaching individuals to stand up, speak out and act with courage in challenging situations and to creating lasting positive change in the lives of others…all rooted in social psychology.

This is your shot. By supporting the Heroic Imagination Project with a few dollars, you and guest will be entered to win a lovely weekend in San Francisco and have dinner with Dr. Zimbardo!

Donate $5 or whatever you can today, and you’ll be automatically entered to win (paste the link below):

Entries must be received by August 15, 2012. One winner will receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest to a San Francisco; hotel accommodations; and dinner with Dr. Philip Zimbardo on a date to be determined by Dr. Zimbardo (approximate retail value of all prizes $4,800). Odds of winning depend on number of entries received.

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Bryan Dickerson
Associate Director of Research and Education
The Heroic Imagination Project

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