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 Joint MSc at the University of Kent
Posted by: Sarah Johns
Title/Position: Convenor - MSc in Evolution and Human Behaviour
School/Organization: University of Kent
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 2nd, 2012

Taught by expert researchers, this unique and innovative MSc combines evolutionary anthropology, focusing on the behaviour of human and non-human primates, with evolutionary, social, and cognitive psychology. You gain an interdisciplinary understanding of the origins and functions of human behaviour and can select from a range of advanced topics such as Evolutionary Anthropology, Primatology, Human Behaviour, Cognitive Psychology, and Intergroup Relationships. The programme places a strong emphasis on critical thinking and understanding of both the broad field and the specialisms within. Core to the programme is the development of research methods, culminating in a piece of original research, written up in the form of a publication ready journal article. The MSc in Evolution and Human Behaviour is a perfect foundation for PhD research: it provides theoretical background, discipline specific knowledge and advanced research methods.

For further information on this programme, or on evolutionary anthropology and psychology at Kent in general contact Dr. Sarah Johns or visit:

This programme is run jointly with the School of Psychology.

Attachment: Poster 2012.PDF

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