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 Two Vacancies at University of Groningen
Posted by: Bob Fennis
Title/Position: Full Professor
School/Organization: University of Groningen
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 16th, 2012

Sorry for cross-posting. At the Department of Marketing, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, we have two vacancies that might be of interest:

Tenure Track Assistant Professors of Marketing (2,0 fte) (212114-15)


The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, offers two positions as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Marketing.

The Department of Marketing is responsible for all marketing courses in the Bachelor, Master, and PhD programs at the Faculty of Economics and Business. Scientific research is concentrated in the Research Program Marketing (part of the research school SOM). In addition, contract research is conducted within the Customer Insights Center. The Department of Marketing is one of the leading marketing groups in Europe.

Job description

The new tenure track Assistant Professors are expected to strengthen the position of the Department of Marketing. Therefore, successful candidates should be committed to excellence in research and teaching. We are looking for high-potential candidates with the ability to publish work in international top marketing journals. One tenure track position is in the area of quantitative marketing and/or marketing strategy. The second position is not restricted and excellent candidates from all sub disciplines (i.e., quantitative marketing, strategy, consumer research) are considered. Research time is 50% and allocated according to standardized faculty procedures. Teaching by the assistant professor will contribute to the overall teaching load of the Department of Marketing. Specific educational tasks will depend on the expertise of the candidate.


To qualify for the position, a candidate should have:
• PhD in Marketing or a related discipline
• the ability to do excellent scientific research, preferably proven by publications in international good and/or top international refereed (marketing) journals
• excellent teaching skills
• relevant international academic network
• organizational qualities and excellent communication skills
• an active involvement in obtaining external funding for research projects.

These requirements are related to the duties of an Assistant Professor within the Department of Marketing.
Conditions of employment
The University of Groningen offers a salary depending on qualifications and work experience starting from a minimum of € 3,195 gross per month (salary scale 11) to a maximum of € 4,970 gross per month (salary scale 12) for a full-time position, excluding 8% holiday allowance and 8,3% end-of-year bonus and participation in a pension scheme for employees. The vacancies are full-time positions at the level of Assistant Professor.

You will be appointed for a period of six years, on condition of a positive mid-term evaluation in the third year of employment. Based on a positive final evaluation in the sixth year of employment (or earlier if you meet the requirements), you will be granted tenure.

Selected applicants will be invited for an interview and to present a job seminar in Groningen, in September 2012. Once a candidate is selected the actual starting in this job is as soon as possible.

The University of Groningen provides a career advisory service for partners of new staff who move to Groningen. The University of Groningen is an equal opportunities employer. Because women are still underrepresented in a number of fields, they are particularly encouraged to apply.

Interested applicants should:
1. Submit a motivation letter of at most 2 A4-pages
2. Send a complete curriculum vitae
3. Arrange for two letters of recommendation
4. Provide samples of relevant work (maximum of two papers).
Selected applicants will be invited for an interview and to present a job seminar in Groningen, in September 2012.

You may apply for this position until 1 September 2012 by means of the application form.

Acquisition is not appreciated.
For information you can contact:
Prof. Jaap Wieringa,


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