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 Research Fellow, Queen's University Belfast
Posted by: Sam Pehrson
Title/Position: Lecturer
School/Organization: Queen's University Belfast
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 12th, 2012

We invite applications for the post of Research Fellow in the School of Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast. The post holder will work on a project entitled “The Dynamics of Police Legitimacy Among Young People” as an active member of a research team led by Dr Sam Pehrson. The project is funded by the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (Northern Ireland) and the post is available for 18 months.

Salary scale: £30,122 - £39,257 per annum (including contribution points)
Closing date: Friday 29 June 2012


1. Hold or about to obtain Ph.D. in Social Psychology, or in an area closely related to the planned research such as Criminology.
2. Research experience in quantitative research, including survey design and statistical analysis.
3. Strong expertise in at least one of the following research areas: policing, the social psychology of legitimacy and authority, procedural justice, social influence, or the social identity perspective in social psychology.
4. Ability to contribute to the management and administration of the research project.
5. Sufficient breadth and depth of specialist knowledge, and competence with research methods and techniques, to work within the designated research program.
6. Ability to interact with research colleagues, support staff, schools and other external agencies.
7. Ability to analyse and communicate effectively.
8. Demonstrable intellectual ability and positive general demeanour.
9. Subject to Criminal History Check.


1. Ph.D. Awarded.
2. Experience in database management and advanced statistical methods, including expertise with relevant software packages such as Mplus.
3. Publications in print or in press in peer-reviewed journals of international quality.
4. Expertise in several of the following research areas: policing, the social psychology of legitimacy and authority, procedural justice, social influence, and the social identity perspective in social psychology.
5. Knowledge of the policing context in Northern Ireland.
6. Commitment to the post.
7. Willingness to work according to normal office hours, and occasionally beyond these hours where necessitated by the research project.


For further information and to apply online, please visit our website at:

Alternatively please contact: Dr Sam Pehrson, tel 028 9097 4333; email

Job reference: 12/102084

Attachment: job details.pdf

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