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 Duke University Alumni Conference
Posted by: Wendy Wood
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Duke University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: April 1st, 2005

Duke University Alumni Conference

Duke University is holding a conference May 1 and 2, 2005, to celebrate the reemergence of social psychology at Duke. The conference will be held at the Sarah B. Duke Gardens on the Duke campus. We welcome guests who would like to attend the conference talks. Please see the conference website for registration and other information;

Keynote speakers for the conference include past Duke faculty:

Jack Brehm, Professor Emeritus, University of Kansas
Timothy Wilson, Sherrell J. Aston Professor of Psychology, University of Virginia

Other distinguished alumni and past faculty who will speak at the conference include:

Charles Bond, Texas Christian University
Joel Cooper, Princeton University
Keith Davis, University of South Carolina
Kenneth Gergen, Swarthmore College
John Jost, New York University
Darwyn E. Linder, Arizona State University
John Nezlek, College of William and Mary
Kelly Shaver, College of William and Mary

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