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 Dear Colleague Letter - Deputy Division Director
Posted by: Mark Weiss
Title/Position: Division Director
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 8th, 2012

Dear Colleague:

I am seeking your assistance in identifying potential candidates for the position of Deputy Division Director in the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS).

The Deputy Division Director is a key member of the BCS Division’s and the SBE Directorate’s management team. The incumbent provides leadership and direction for the support of research and education activities that develop and advance scientific knowledge focusing on behavioral, cognitive, geographic and anthropological sciences. In collaboration with the Division Director, the Deputy Division Director provides overall direction and management in the division. BCS has a staff of approximately 30 and a FY 2012 budget in excess of $90 million. Information about the BCS mission and its programs is provided on its home page:

I would appreciate any help you may be able to offer as we search for candidates for this key NSF position. We are looking for a person whose strong research background in the Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences and commitment to interdisciplinary research will enable the continued success of the Division during this exciting time. In addition to a commitment to research in the scientific domains supported by BCS, we are also looking for someone with experience in managing a complex organization. Appointment to this Senior Executive Service position may be on a career basis, or on a one- to three-year limited-term basis. Alternatively, the incumbent may be assigned under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) provisions.

Applications will be accepted from US Citizens. Due to a recent change in Federal Appropriations Law, only Non-Citizens who are permanent US residents and actively seeking citizenship can be considered. Therefore, you are required to provide documentation that confirms you are actively seeking citizenship at the time you submit your application. Non-citizens who do not provide documentation will not be considered.

Under the provisions of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA), non-citizens may be considered as long as the individual is employed at an IPA-eligible institution

The announcement for this position can be viewed electronically under Career Opportunities – Executive Vacancies: Please submit a current CV accompanied by a cover letter or supplemental statement that addresses the qualification requirements of the position. Applications should be transmitted electronically to or mailed or delivered to the following address:

National Science Foundation
Executive Personnel and Visiting Personnel Branch
Division of Human Resource Management
4201 Wilson Boulevard Room 315
Arlington, VA 22230
ATTN: Courtney Starcher
(703) 292-4345

General inquiries about the duties for this position or suggestions for candidates should be directed to:

Dr. Mark Weiss

Please use the following as the subject line in emails: DEPUTY DIVISION DIRECTOR DCL

Thank you in advance for your assistance in this most important endeavor.


Mark L. Weiss
Division Director, BCS/SBE

NSF is an equal opportunity employer committed to employing a highly qualified staff that reflects the diversity of our nation.

Attachment: DCL DDD BCS SBE 4-2012.pdf

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