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 Call for Authors: Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness
Posted by: Joseph K. Golson
Title/Position: Author Manager
School/Organization: Golson Media
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 5th, 2012

Call for Authors: Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness

Per the U.S. Surgeon General’s report on mental health, “Surveys estimate that during a 1-year period, 22 to 23 percent of the U.S. adult population—or 44 million people—have diagnosable mental disorders, according to reliable, established criteria.” The report goes on to say “epidemiological estimates have shifted over time because of changes in the definitions and diagnosis of mental health and mental illness.” Indeed, some experts believe there has been an astonishing rise in mental illness. According to one report: “In 1987, prior to Prozac hitting the market and the current ubiquitous use of antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs, the U.S. mental illness disability rate was 1 in every 184 Americans, but by 2007 the mental illness disability rate had more than doubled to 1 in every 76 Americans.” Discussion now revolves around the questions: Are there truly more mentally ill people now or are there just more people being diagnosed and treated? And what are the roles of economics and the pharmaceutical industry in this controversy? At the core of what is going on with mental illness in America and around the world, we believe, is cultural sociology: How differing cultures treat mental illness and, in turn, how mental patients are affected by the culture. In this multidisciplinary reference, we look at the culture of mental illness in non-clinical perspectives of sociology, history, psychology, epidemiology, economics, public policy, health practitioners, and finally the mental health patient him or herself.

This comprehensive project of approximately 375 signed articles will be published by SAGE Reference and will be marketed to academic and public libraries as a print and digital product available to students via the library’s electronic services. The General Editor, who will be reviewing each submission to the project, is Dr. Andrew Scull, University of California, San Diego.

We are currently making assignments with a deadline of August 17, 2012.

If you are interested in contributing to this cutting-edge reference, it is a unique opportunity to contribute to the contemporary literature, redefining sociological issues in today’s terms. Moreover, it can be a notable publication addition to your CV/resume and broaden your publishing credits. SAGE Publications offers an honorarium ranging from SAGE book credits for smaller articles up to a free set of the printed product or access to the online product for contributions totaling 10,000 words or more.

The list of available articles is already prepared, and as a next step we will e-mail you the Article List (Excel file) from which you can select topics that best fit your expertise and interests. Additionally, Style and Submission Guidelines will be provided that detail article specifications.

If you would like to contribute to building a truly outstanding reference with the Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness: An A-to-Z Guide, please contact me by the email information below. Please provide a brief summary of your academic/publishing credentials in related disciplines.

Thanks very much.
Joseph K. Golson, Author Manager

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