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 New JDM Department at the Journal Management Science
Posted by: Yuval Rottenstreich
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: New York University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 21st, 2012

Social Psychology Researchers,

I’m writing with what I think is exciting news for social psychologists interested in judgment, decision making, and allied topics: The journal Management Science is creating a Judgment and Decision Making department that is focused on psychologically-informed work. Indeed, the department is both interested in psychological analysis as a method of inquiry and in specific topics that are social psychological in nature, including counterfactual reasoning; optimism and pessimism; self-control and self-regulation; well-being; small group dynamics; negotiation and strategic interaction; power and status; morality, fairness, ethics, and justice.

I will be the department editor, and our excellent and diverse team of associate editors includes both psychologists, Nick Chater, Rick Larrick, Neil Stewart, Elke Weber, and Paul Windschitl, as well as researchers from management and marketing, Shane Frederick, Francesca Gino, Maurice Schweitzer, Uri Simonsohn, George Wu, and Gal Zauberman.

The department’s editorial statement is below. Further information about Management Science is available via:

I encourage you to consider Management Science as an outlet for your research!

-Yuval Rottenstreich


The Judgment and Decision Making department seeks papers that investigate the beliefs and preferences of individuals and small groups. Papers should be empirically-oriented. New findings should be presented against the backdrop of prior findings or rigorous models. New theories should integrate extant findings. The department is especially interested in analyses that draw on psychological accounts of beliefs and preferences. Relevant psychological accounts may implicate perceptual, cognitive, affective, or social factors.

Paper topics should clearly connect to real-world managerial decisions. Specific topics of interest include but are certainly not limited to: prediction; assessments of confidence; perceptions of randomness, judgments of covariation and causation; hypothesis testing; counterfactual reasoning; optimism and pessimism; risk perception, choice under uncertainty, intertemporal choice; self-control and self-regulation; resolution of tradeoffs or conflicting objectives; the evaluation of outcomes and decisions; reference points; debiasing; well-being; small group dynamics; negotiation and strategic interaction; power and status; morality, fairness, ethics, and justice; and considerations of rationality.

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