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 JFTR: Call for Papers on Critical Feminisms
Posted by: Lee Ann De Reus
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Pennsylvania State University Altoona
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 7th, 2012

The Journal of Family Theory and Review will include a special issue in Volume 5 entitled, (Re)tooling Critical Feminist Theories for “Doing” Social Justice in Family Research (see attached call for papers).

This volume will engage readers in a discussion of how critical feminisms inform family theory, research, and/or praxis on social justice issues. The specific purpose is to illustrate how the following theoretical frameworks are being used by scholars: a) multicultural and critical race feminisms; b) postcolonial and transnational feminisms; c) post‐structural and queer theories; or d) ecofeminist theories. Also encouraged are theoretical articles that address how these frameworks can enhance future social justice scholarship in family studies.

Potential authors are encouraged to contact guest editor, Lee Ann De Reus, at or JFTR deputy editor, Libby Balter Blume, at to discuss their ideas.

For submission guidelines, please refer to:

Accepted articles will be published in Volume 5, Issue 3 (2013). Deadline for submissions is March 1, 2012.

Attachment: JFTR Critical Feminist Theory Call.pdf

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