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 Listening to the Future in the SBE Sciences
Posted by: Kellina Craig-Henderson
Title/Position: Program Director
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 10th, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

As you may recall, the SBE directorate at NSF solicited feedback about future directions from each of the social and behaviroal science fields supported by the directorate. Several members of the social psychology community of researchers submitted white papers. Many people at NSF spent a great deal of time reading carefully through each of the white papers that was submitted.

I am writing to advise you that there is now a URL for the summary report ("Rebuilding the Mosiac: Listening to the Future in the SBE Sciences"):

We have also scheduled a webcast to discuss the report, at 11:00 am on December 1.

Details for participating in the webcast:

Date: December 1 at 11 a.m.
Webcast Title: Rebuilding the Mosaic: Listening to the Future in the SBE Sciences

Dial-in phone number: 888-469-1936
Verbal Passcode: Mosaic

Webcast URL: (will be active on Dec. 1.)
Webcast username: webcast
Webcast password: mosaic (case sensitive)

I hope that you will avail yourself of this opportunity to learn more about proposed future directions for the social and behavioral sciences.

Best wishes,

Kellina Craig-Henderson, Ph.D.
National Science Foundation
Arlington, VA 22230

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