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 Positions at Cardiff University
Posted by: Geoff Haddock
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Cardiff University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 9th, 2011

Academic Posts in the School of Psychology at Cardiff University

The School of Psychology at Cardiff University, UK, is seeking to appoint two new members of academic staff at Lecturer (i.e., Assistant Professor) level.

Details of these posts can be found at the URL below. Notice that although certain areas are specified, we would very much welcome applications from any area of psychology. Importantly, we will appoint on quality alone. Early career researchers should have at minimum two very good publications either published or in press.

Closing date is December 1, 2011.

The School of Psychology is also participating in a Cardiff University funded scheme to attract top-rank academics at either Fellow level (roughly encompassing applicants in the range Lecturer to Reader, or Assistant to Associate Professor) and at Chair (i.e., Full Professor) level. The URL for this scheme is:

There is no formal closing date for this scheme. Interviews of short-listed applicants will be held in early 2012. Please note that an application to this scheme does not rule out applying for one of the above-mentioned Lectureships.

Anyone interested in either of these opportunities is encouraged to get in touch with Tony Manstead , Greg Maio , Geoff Haddock , or Ulrich von Hecker .

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