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 2 Assistant Professorships at VU Amsterdam
Posted by: Paul van Lange
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: VU University Amsterdam
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 28th, 2011

Two Assistant Professors in Social and Organizational Psychology (m/f)

For 1.0 FTE
Vacancy Numbers 1.2011.00264/265

The VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is one of the leading institutions for higher education in Europe and aims to be inspiring, innovative, and committed to societal welfare. It compromises twelve faculties and has teaching facilities for 20,000 students.

The Department of Social and Organizational Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology and Education has a mission to advance research and theory on topics such as trust, leadership, cooperation, evolutionary psychology, organizational behavior, culture, diversity, emotion, group and intergroup dynamics, justice, personality, relationships, and self-regulation, using innovating theoretical approaches and methodologies.

The Department provides a vibrant, international research climate with high quality academic staff and students who are supported by excellent research facilities (e.g., multiple labs for experimental research, equipment for cognitive and social neuroscience measures, hormone labs), expertise in statistics and methodology, and excellent contacts with industry and government. The Department has a very strong international reputation in psychological science as indicated by excellent research assessments, high quality publications, high standards for teaching and mentoring, and frequent visits by international scientists.

The Department integrates social psychology and organizational psychology, and has a strong commitment to theory development, innovative research, and application to interpersonal relationships, groups, teams and organizations. Research and teaching have a strong international and interdisciplinary focus covering central themes in social and organizational psychology and closely related fields such as evolutionary and personality psychology, supported by expert teachers from the Netherlands and abroad. The Department participates in various research institutes and graduate schools (Kurt Lewin Institute, William James graduate school) and offers specialist 1 and 2 year Masters courses.

Job Description

The positions are embedded within the Department’s main research program, TLC, which integrates social, cognitive, personality, and evolutionary psychology approaches to trust, leadership, and cooperation.

The successful candidates are expected to: (1) develop a strong independent and collaborative programme of research using innovating methods, (2) acquire external grant funding to support their research, (3) conduct excellent teaching, and (4) demonstrate departmental citizenship. The candidate will contribute to major parts of the Departmental teaching programs, and supervise Bachelor’s, Masters, and PhD students.


• Completed PhD-thesis on a topic relevant to social and/or organizational psychology
• Articles in peer-reviewed international journals
• Expertise with research on trust, leadership, or human cooperation
• Teaching experience
• Flexibility in teaching a range of social and organizational psychology courses in the Bachelor and Master's; programs, and/or courses linked to data analysis and research skills
• Experience in acquisition of external research funding

Further Details

This appointment will be for an initial period of 3 years starting during spring 2012 with the possibility of continuation (as part of a tenure track system) pending satisfactory job performance and grant acquisition, according to Faculty-level criteria. One position is open to social psychology, organizational psychology, or both, while the other position requires expertise and experience in organizational psychology, along with commitment and interest in teaching courses in work and organizational psychology, personnel psychology, and maintain and promoting contacts with various organizations in the field.


The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel, and depending on experience, range from a minimum of €3.195,- gross per month up to a maximum of €4.374,- gross per month (salary scale 11) based on a fulltime employment. For information on the working conditions at VU, please visit our website:

Information and Application

General information about the VU and the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology can be found on the web at:

Candidates who are interested in applying for this position are requested to send an application letter and a detailed Curriculum Vitae to the Head of Department, Prof. Dr. P.A.M. van Lange via e-mail: Application deadline: 1 December, 2011. For questions (by mail or phone) please contact, Prof. Dr. Paul van Lange, phone number +31-20-59 88852, email: or Prof. Dr. Mark van Vugt, phone number +31-20-59 88870, email: The job interviews (which includes a short research presentation) will likely take place in January 2012.

Attachment: TwoAssistantProfsatVU.pdf

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