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 Situated Social Cognition - Call for Papers
Posted by: Kai J. Jonas
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Amsterdam
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: October 22nd, 2011

"Situated Social Cognition"
Kai J. Jonas (University of Amsterdam) and Joseph Cesario (Michigan State University)
Guest Editors - Social Cognition

We are seeking submissions for a Special Issue on “Situated Social Cognition” to appear in Social Cognition. This special issue of Social Cognition is an opportunity to assemble research contributions and capture exciting new directions in social cognition (for example, automatic behavior, embodiment, stereotyping, etc.) where general principles can be understood in light of situational constraints and vice-versa. The special issue is designed to capture research in which context and individual cognitive functioning interpenetrate one another. Empirical papers can be submitted that report (quasi-) experimental, or clearly situated social cognitive laboratory research, and undertake steps towards a theoretical integration of situated cognition findings. The scope of measured effects should go beyond general implicit dependent measures or cognitive variables, and actively seek to integrate multi-determinant approaches. Submissions should capture research on social cognitive themes that are actively determined by situation or by situationally-related individual regulatory mechanisms. Additionally, we are interested in papers that challenge situated approaches or suggest principled ways in which situated from non-situated findings could be distinguished.

Publication of the Special Issue is scheduled for early 2013. Submission deadline is January 31st 2012. Please submit your manuscripts via the online submissions portal of Social Cognition, clearly marked “Situated Social Cognition” Special Issue, and please also inform the guest editors about your submission. We invite reviews, research papers and short notes. Please note that no submission may exceed 40 manuscript pages including references, footnotes, tables and figures. For further inquiries please email Kai Jonas, or Joseph Cesario,

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