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 2012 Student Travel Award Competition
Posted by: Brian Lowery
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Stanford Graduate School of Business
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 10th, 2011

The Society for Personality and Social Psychology is pleased to announce the 2012 Student Travel Award Competition. Up to 80 stipends in the amount of $500 will be awarded to graduate students for travel to the 13th annual SPSP conference in San Diego, CA, on January 26-28, 2011.

Eligibility Requirements:

1. Be a member of SPSP for the 2012 calendar year. Your membership will be verified as part of the application process.

2. Applicants must have a poster, symposium paper, or data blitz presentation accepted by the SPSP 2012 program committee.

3. Applicants must be the first or sole author of the accepted conference submission.

4. Applicants must be graduate students at the time of the convention. Work that was executed while an individual was in graduate school but would be presented post-graduation is not eligible for consideration.

5. Applicants cannot have previously won an SPSP Travel Award or a Diversity Fund Graduate Travel Award.


Applications must be submitted no later than October 24, 2011.

How To Apply:

Log in to your SPSP Meeting Account and click the "Apply for SPSP Travel Award" button. If you do not yet have an SPSP Meeting Account, please click “Create an Account.” This link will direct you to the website to establish your membership before being returned to this website to create your SPSP Meeting Account.

Decision Process and Notification:

Award decisions will be based on the excellence of the submitted conference abstract and on the strength of the applicant’s scholarly record, as judged by the 2011 Student Travel Award Committee. Efforts will be made to insure representation from diverse institutions and geographical areas. Winners will be notified by email no later than November 14, 2011.

2011 Student Travel Award Committee:

Brian Lowery (Chair)
Jessica Cameron
Dana Carney
Jennifer Randall Crosby
Grainne Fitzsimmons
Kurt Gray
Zoe Kinias
David Pizzaro
Tamar Saguy
Diane Sanchez
Sophie Trawalter
Colette van Laar

Questions? Please address all inquiries to Brian Lowery at

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