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 Call for Submissions for IARR Conference
Posted by: Susan Sprecher
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Illinois State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 3rd, 2011

International Association for Relationship Research Conference

July 12 – 16, 2012
Chicago, Illinois

Call for Submissions

The International Association for Relationship Research (IARR) conference will be held at the Palmer House Hilton and DePaul Loop Campus in Chicago, Illinois on July 12-16, 2012. The conference will provide an opportunity to present and learn about cutting-edge research in the field of personal relationships. Scholars from different countries representing a broad range of disciplines (e.g., psychology, sociology, communication, family studies, gerontology) will gather at the conference to share their work.

Invited speakers include Margaret Clark, Pearl Dykstra, Julie Fitness, Jacki Fitzpatrick, Brian Spitzberg, and Anita Vangelisti.

Submissions: The Program Committee invites proposals for symposia, papers, posters, roundtables, and interest groups on topics relevant to research and practice in social and personal relationships. Detailed information about the conference (e.g., how to submit proposals, how to register for the conference) is available on the conference website:

Submissions should be sent electronically via the conference website beginning November 1, 2011. The deadline for submissions is December 15, 2011.

Program: Sandra Metts and Lesley Verhofstadt, Program Committee co-chairs, can answer your questions about the program. Please feel free to contact them via email if you have questions/comments about the conference program or the Call for Submissions (

Local Arrangements: Leah Bryant, Susan Sprecher, and Ralph Erber, Local Arrangements Committee co-chairs, can address questions about the local community and conference arrangements. Please feel free to contact them via email if you have questions/comments about local arrangements (

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