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 Psychology Department Head Position
Posted by: Gary Brase
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Kansas State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 28th, 2011

The Department of Psychology at Kansas State University seeks an outstanding individual to head the department. The successful applicant is expected to have a Ph.D. degree in Psychology, a history of high-quality teaching, a national/international reputation for scholarship and leadership in any of the substantive sub-fields in psychology, and a strong track record of securing extramural funding.

The ideal candidate will provide strong leadership in the implementation of a strategic vision that will position the department as a leader in the College of Arts and Sciences, the university and the discipline of psychology. This includes the potential opportunity for several faculty hires in the near future, to further develop the external funding base of the department, to foster excellence in teaching, research, and professional activities, and to further advance diversity in all aspects of departmental activities. Other desirable qualifications include excellent interpersonal skills, administrative and leadership experience, and the ability to relate to people of diverse backgrounds. The successful candidate should have credentials for appointment at the advanced associate or full professor rank. Start-up funds will be provided, and salary will be commensurate with qualifications.

The Department Head serves as chief administrative officer of the department and is appointed by the Dean of Arts and Sciences. The Head, with the aid of appropriate departmental committees, is responsible for recommendations for appointments, promotions, contract renewals, tenure, salary increases, and dismissals. The Head also manages the departmental budget and teaching assignments, and is the direct liaison between the department and the university administration.

Candidates should send, via e-mail, a cover letter describing their interests, qualifications, and administrative experience; a statement of philosophy as head and educator; a statement of research interests, a detailed curriculum vita; and the names and contact information for up to five professional references. Please send application materials to Dr. Brian Spooner, College of Arts and Sciences at Review of applications will begin December 1, 2011 and continue until the position is filled.

The Department of Psychology, which is part of the College of Arts and Sciences, has 15 full-time faculty members who are both vigorously active researchers and also serve more than 525 undergraduate majors, with a strong tradition of involving undergraduates in research. The Department has an extensive PhD program consisting of four major areas of concentration: Industrial/Organizational, Social/Personality, Cognitive, and Animal Learning/Behavioral Neuroscience. There are also overarching emphases in Health Psychology and Applied Cognitive Science. In addition, the department has a predominantly distance Master of Science in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (MIOP) program that is intended as a terminal degree. Additional details about the department are available at:

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