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 MA and MSc Programs at UL in Ireland
Posted by: Eric R. Igou
Title/Position: Head of Department
School/Organization: University of Limerick
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 13th, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

Please pass on this email to your students and your program directors.

Thank you,


You may be interested in learning more about our two programs at UL:
MA in Psychology
MSc in Psychological Science

The 12-month Master of Arts in Psychology program consists of undergraduate and postgraduate modules. In essence, the MA in Psychology is a 1-year “conversion” course. It is designed for graduates of undergraduate programs that include psychology classes equivalent to about a 1-year full time psychology program. See:

The 12-month Master of Science in Psychological Science program consists of two different streams: a) research methods and b) social and applied psychology. This program has a strong focus on science and thus qualify for jobs and additional education where advanced knowledge of psychology and methodological thinking is desired (e.g., policy making) or even required (e.g., PhD programmes). See:

If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact either our administrators Ms Caroline Rafter ( or Ms Denise Roche ( or me ( You can also find more information on our website ( Note that applications after July 1 will still be processed.

Best wishes,

Dr. Eric R. Igou


Eric Raymond Igou, PhD
Head of Department, Lecturer, Psychology, Rm CS2-033, Comp Sci Building
University of Limerick, Castletroy, Co. Limerick, Ireland,
Email:, Phone: +353 61 234657, Fax: +353 61 233 211
Skype ID: e.r.igou, Website:
Course Director of Psychology Master Programmes at UL:
MSc Psychological Science,
MA Psychology,

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