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Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

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 Great Opportunity for Students and Early Career
Posted by: Emily Butler
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Arizona
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 3rd, 2011

Attention early career people who are teaching, researching, writing grants, or hoping to secure tenure status or a professional appointment!

The 2011 New Scholars Workshop at the International Association of Relationship Research mini-conference will give you an excellent opportunity to discuss important topics with established scholars and teachers. We have gathered an amazing group of mentors from several disciplines with expertise in the following areas: health, personal relationships, emotion, attachment, nonverbal communication, personality, affection, stress, friendship, family bonds, relationship dissolution, conflict, family interaction, physiology, and more!

The workshop takes place October 21, 2011, in beautiful Tucson, AZ, and registration is just $50 (includes 2 meals, exciting roundtable-style discussions, and an optional poster session where you can receive one-on-one feedback about your projects!), with your conference registration.

This workshop is perfect for graduate students, pre-tenured faculty, postdocs, new professionals, and anyone working on a research project that would benefit from the personalized feedback of a small poster session. Check out the website for workshop schedule, mentor bios, and registration details:

Register and submit your poster abstract today! Contact Valerie Young for questions,

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