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 Research Scientist Position Available
Posted by: Kenneth Leonard
Title/Position: Chair, Search Committee
School/Organization: Research Institute on Addiction
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: May 4th, 2011

The Research Institute on Addictions (RIA), a national leader in addictions research, anticipates funding for one or more State of New York permanent Research Scientist positions. Candidates must have a doctoral degree in epidemiology, health sciences, psychology, sociology, economics, or other relevant field and a minimum of 1-2 years of postdoctoral research experience. We are particularly interested in applicants who can expand our research portfolio with expertise in Health Services/Health Economics, Tobacco/Nicotine Use, Prescription Drug Abuse, or Disorders of Appetite (Obesity). Experience as Principal Investigator on externally-funded research projects or prior grant funding is highly desirable.

The successful candidate is expected to obtain funding in areas of addiction research which answer important scientific questions. This is a research-focused position with no teaching and minimal administrative responsibility. Positions are subject to New York State Civil Service regulations. Salary and fringe benefits are competitive. RIA is a research center within the State University of New York at Buffalo, and faculty and/or joint appointments with SUNY-Buffalo departments are available. Applications from minority candidates are particularly welcome.

Established in 1970, RIA has a staff of over 190 persons working on over 30 separate research projects. RIA occupies a five-story building, and offers outstanding resources in support of its research endeavors. Visit the RIA website at:

Inquiries can be made to either Gerard J. Connors (, RIA Director, or Kenneth E. Leonard (, Search Committee Chair.

To apply visit and search for Research Scientist positions at the Research Institute on Addictions. Attach a cover letter, cv, and research statement to the digital application. Three reference letters of recommendation are also required and may be submitted as outlined in the on-line position postings at:

Applications will be reviewed as they are received. AA/EOE

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