Listserv Message Center

Unique Dataset Available for Researchers |
Posted by: | Sam Gosling |
Title/Position: | Professor |
School/Organization: | University of Texas, Austin |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | April 10th, 2011 |
Hi All,
I would like to draw your attention to a valuable and unique source of data that is freely available to researchers.
For some time Michal Kosinski and David Stillwell have been collecting huge quantities of data on personality, preferences, and other variables via their Facebook application, MyPersonality. They are willing to share this enormous dataset with researchers and are making it very easy to get and use the data.
There are two main datasets that might be of interest to members of this listserve:
1. Dataset of more than 5 million test results together with more than 3 million individual profiles, and over 100,000 monthly active users.
The users' personality scores are combined with lots of additional information, including detailed demographic profile, record of their behaviour in Facebook environment (e.g., number of friends), their interests, preferences, opinions, etc.
The measures currently available on myPersonality include:
i. IPIP proxy for Costa and McCrae's NEO-PI-R domains,
ii. IPIP proxy for Costa and McCrae's NEO-PI-R facets,
iii myIQ questionnaire,
iv. Diener's Satisfaction with Life questionnaire,
v. Snyder’s Self-Monitoring,
vi. Sensational Interests Inventory,
vii. Rust's Work Personality,
viii. Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness.
and more...
Note that the researchers are open to new measures, so this is a great resource if you are interested in publishing a measure or online experiment.
They have put a great deal of effort into collecting, pre-processing and describing the data so they are very interested in connecting with researchers who are interested in using the dataset. You can get more information at the wiki, here:
2. Dataset on 24 Million (and growing) Facebook "likes"
They already have 24 Million likes from previous participants and are adding about 300K every day. These likes can be combined with all the other datasets (including demographics, personality, IQ, social network data, etc.) that that they share (see #1 above).
They have used these data to create a very slick website (LikeAudience.com) which shows you the personalty profiles of people who like X or gives you the likes of people with different personality traits. It contains 100k individual users following 120k individual likes (with at least 20 users per like) which adds up to around 24 million user-like pairs. They are also collecting several hundred thousands of new user-like pairs per day, not to mention the growing number of psychometric scores in the myPersonality project databases. They also have like data on connected triads, which might be of interest to many social psychologists. And best of all, they are happy to share the data in SPSS or CSV format!
(They also are about to publish a really cool FB gadget that predicts your personality based on the likes on your FB profile: http://youarewhatyoulike.com/ ).
There's lot's of helpful information on their datasets here: http://www.mypersonality.org/wiki/doku.php
This is an unparalleled source of useful data for addressing all kinds of interesting questions in social and personality psychology. And Michal and David have gone to great lengths to make the data easy to use (e.g., providing the data in CSV or SPSS format). If you think you might be interested in using the data, I urge you contact them.
Sam Gosling