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 New Journal! Scientific Studies of Literature
Posted by: Raymond A. Mar
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: York University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 3rd, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce the launch of a new journal, Scientific Study of Literature (SSOL). SSOL is the official journal of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature. Our purview is broad, including all cultural artefacts that make use of literary devices (e.g., narrativity, symbolism), including novels, poetry, theatre, film, television, and videogames. We welcome contributions from many disciplinary perspectives, including psychological, developmental, cross-cultural, cognitive, neuroscience, computational, and educational.

To learn more about our new journal, please visit our website:


Willie van Peer, Editor

Max Louwerse (
Joan Peskin (
Raymond A. Mar (

Markus Appel, University of Linz
Douglas Biber, Northern Arizona University
Marisa Bortolussi, University of Alberta
Gerald Cupchik, University of Toronto
Peter Dixon, University of Alberta
Richard Gerrig, Stony Brook University
Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr., University of California at Santa Cruz
Rachel Giora, University of Tel Aviv
Arthur C. Graesser, University of Memphis
Melanie C. Green, University of North Carolina
Frank Hakemulder, University of Utrecht
David Ian Hanauer, Indiana University Pennsylvania
James W. Pennebaker, University of Texas
David S. Miall, University of Alberta
Keith Oatley, University of Toronto
Mary Beth Oliver, Penn State
Steven Pinker, Harvard University
David N. Rapp, Northwestern University
Margrit Schreier, Jakobs University Bremen
Reinhold Viehoff, University of Halle
Peter Vorderer, University of Mannheim
Joris van Zundert, Huygens Institute, The Netherlands
Rolf A. Zwaan, Erasmus University Rotterdam

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