Listserv Message Center

Memorial Conference for Fredda Blanchard-Fields |
Posted by: | Laura M. Strain |
Title/Position: | Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
School/Organization: | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | January 23rd, 2011 |
This email contains registration and hotel information about the Memorial Conference for Fredda Blanchard-Fields to be held at Georgia Tech's Conference Center and Hotel on March 11-12, 2011. This two-day event will feature talks about emotion, social cognition, and aging -- topics that Fredda devoted her research career to studying. The program features talks by experts in these areas, including former students and postdocs of Fredda. For additional information, including a preliminary conference program, you can go to the Georgia Tech Psychology webpage at psychology.gatech.edu. Registration for this conference is free of charge. To register for the conference, go to the following link:
If you require hotel accommodations in Atlanta during the conference, we have booked a block of rooms at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center, where the conference will be held. To reserve a room in this block, please go to the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center website here:
The block of rooms is reserved for Thursday and Friday (3/10 & 3/11) nights at a rate of $115 per night. If you are interested in extending your stay beyond those nights, they are happy to extend the group rate for an additional night, but they ask you to contact the reservation desk directly at 404-838-2100. If you have difficulty accessing the hotel block through the link above, you can go directly to the hotel and conference center's website (www.gatechhotel.com), clicking on the link entitled "Group Booking," and entering the password for our group of rooms - "fredda0311."
The deadline for booking hotel rooms in the group block is February 10th, so if you plan to stay at the hotel and would like to do so at the discounted group rate, please book your hotel room soon.
Thanks, Chris
Christopher Hertzog
Professor of Psychology