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 Nominations Sought for Four New Associate Editors
Posted by: Deborah F. Thoben
Title/Position: Editorial Assistant
School/Organization: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, Germany
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 14th, 2011

By the end of this year, two associate editors of Social Psychology, Gerd Bohner and Scott Tindale, will be completing their four-year terms. As manuscript submissions have been steadily increasing since Social Psychology had issued its first call for papers in the summer of 2007, we are now planning to expand the editorial team by appointing four new associate editors, for a total of eight editors.

The new associate editors' terms will be from 2012 to 2015. Nominees will be asked to indicate whether they would be ready to take on the role of editor-in-chief for the years 2013 and 2014. Furthermore, two of the new associate editors will be asked to start handling manuscripts immediately, so as to bring the number of editors to eight with immediate effect.

Nominations of international scholars from any area of social psychology should be sent to the journal office by e-mail no later than 28 February 2011. Nominations should be agreed with the nominees in advance to ensure that the person nominated will be available. Self-nominations are also welcome.

From the list of nominees, the editorial team, in consultations with the social psychology section of the German Psychological Society and Hogrefe Publishers, will appoint the new associate editors. Their names will be announced on the journal website and on the mailing lists that issued this call by April 2011:

Please send your nominations by 28 February 2011 to .

For the editorial team,

Hans-Peter Erb

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