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 Consider the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Posted by: Michael Inzlicht
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Toronto Scarborough
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 6th, 2011

Dear Listserv Members,

I would like to bring your attention to the fact that as of January 1, 2011, there is a new editorial team at the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (impact factor = 4.70). Although it is often seen as the premiere journal for cognitive psychology, with Isabel Gauthier as Chief Editor we are hoping to bring the “general” part of the name back into the types of articles we receive and publish. JEP:G is not meant to be a cognitive journal—or any one field's specifically. Its mission is to publish "empirical work that bridges the traditional interests of two or more communities of psychology." It is our hope that the “G” in JEP:G will mean much more than it has meant so far and that the Journal can open up to represent our field as a whole.

We are thus hoping to increase the number of submissions from the other areas of psychology, including social psychology. To this end, the new editorial team has a social psychologist as one of the associate editors (myself) and a number of social psychologists on the editorial board (Galen Bodenhausen, Joan Chiao, Klaus Fiedler, Kerry Kawakami, Wendy Berry Mendes, Jennifer Richeson, Toni Schmader, and Norbert Schwarz). So, if your work bridges two or more of the traditional areas of psychology, broadly construed (e.g., social cognition, social emotion, social neuroscience, social development, etc.), please consider submitting the very best of this work to us. We are also excited that the journal will be accepting shorter articles (3,000 words) in a newly created short reports section.


Michael Inzlicht

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