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 Position Announcement
Posted by: Janet B. Ruscher
Title/Position: Professor and Chair
School/Organization: Tulane University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: December 3rd, 2010

The following Professor of Practice position is open to any substantive area... the Social/Personality folks here (Molix, OBrien, Ruscher, Wyland) would love to have another social-personality psychologist on the faculty.

TULANE UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY in the School of Science and Engineering, announces an opening for a PROFESSOR OF PRACTICE in QUANTITATIVE METHODS starting in July 2011. The Professor of Practice is a three-year continually-renewable regular faculty position that is devoted to teaching and does not lead to tenure. Teaching load is three courses (or equivalent) per semester, and will include teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Requisite courses include univariate and multivariate statistics; advanced graduate statistics courses and/or undergraduate courses in substantive area are desirable. There are ample opportunities for consulting and collaboration within the Department, as well as in the School. The Department currently comprises 20 full-time faculty and 50 PhD students, and offers the BS, MS, and PhD degrees:

A letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, course evaluations (if available), and two letters of recommendation should be sent to Janet B. Ruscher, Chair, Department of Psychology, Tulane University, 2007 Stern Hall, New Orleans, LA 70118. Review of applications will begin December 15 and will continue until the position is filled. The Department especially welcomes applications from women and members of historically underrepresented groups. Tulane University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

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