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 Genes & Environment 2010: Videos Online!
Posted by: George M. Slavich, PhD
Title/Position: Adjunct Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of California, Los Angeles
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 1st, 2010

Dear Colleague,

"Genes & Environment 2010" at Stanford University addressed the interesting issue of how genes and the environment interact to influence complex traits and susceptibility to disease. Nine preeminent scientists in the fields of psychology, biology, neuroscience, and genetics attended the event to discuss their research on this important topic. The talks were moderated by Dr. Gregory Gibson, Professor and Director of the Center for Integrative Genomics at Georgia Tech.

Videos of these talks and of the moderated discussions are now posted on the GxE 2010 website at:

The videos can also be accessed via the GxE 2010 Facebook page at:

We hope you will find these videos relevant to your work, and we kindly ask that you forward this announcement to colleagues and students who you believe might be interested in the talks.

Kindest regards and happy holidays,

George Slavich, UCLA
Marcel Salathé, Penn State

Genes & Environment 2010:
Finding the Missing Heritability of Complex Traits
October 14 & 15, 2010
Stanford University

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