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 New Funding Possibility at FDA
Posted by: KellinaCraig-Henderson
Title/Position: Program Director
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 17th, 2010

Dear Colleagues,

We've just learned about the risk communication research agenda that FDA recently released and that is being disseminated to researchers in and out of academia. The questions being asked are social psychological in nature. They focus on understanding and reaching public audiences, ensuring their understanding, and evaluating the effectiveness of communication about FDA-regulated products.

The strategy behind issuing this agenda was to show the questions that FDA has, that are not entirely answered by extant literature on topics of applied interest, in this case, concerning FDA-regulated product communications (human and pet foods, drugs and vaccines for humans, pets, and livestock, tobacco, medical devices, cosmetics, etc). The hope is that researchers, especially students, may be looking for relevant topics to examine.

The direct link to the document is at:

Please pass it on broadly to anyone you think might be interested. FDA is very much committed to inter/cross-disciplinary efforts.

The web links below are the locations (URLs) to risk communication related information on FDA’s public Web site – strategic documents, research conducted by FDA staff, etc.

FDA’s Strategic Plan for Risk Communication:

The risk communication “landing page” in the “Science and Research” category:

The latter page provides links to the risk communication “research agenda” as well as to descriptions of current and past research conducted by FDA. It also provides a link to all materials related to the composition and meetings of FDA’s Risk Communication Advisory Committee.

For additional information contact:
Nancy M. Ostrove, PhD Director, Risk Communication Staff, Office of Planning, FDA, 10903 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring MD 20993 Bldg 32 Room 3280 Voice: 301-796-9149.

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