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 Self-Regulation Gets Even Better
Posted by: Roy Baumeister
Title/Position: Eppes Eminent Scholar and Professor
School/Organization: Florida State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 26th, 2010

We are delighted to announce the publication of the second edition of the Handbook of Self-Regulation ($80).

The first edition of this volume was acclaimed by Time Magazine as “the definitive psychology text on willpower.” The second edition promises all that and more. This edition contains updated entries from the first edition and numerous new chapters. New to the second edition are chapters on working memory, construal-level theory, temptation, executive functioning in children and older adults, self-destructive self-regulation, interpersonal relationships, religion, and impulsivity.

As part of the revitalization of this classic tome, the original editorial team of Baumeister and Vohs has been replaced by the younger, hipper, and au courant team of Vohs and Baumeister.

Don’t be left out when everyone in your department is talking about the second edition and you are still thinking in terms of the first.

All kidding aside, it really is better. Go to to get yours today!

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