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 Measuring Hostility: Searching for Item Source
Posted by: Joel Bennett
Title/Position: President
School/Organization: Organizational Wellness and Learning Systems
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 1st, 2010

I have a request that you may be able to help me with. We started doing some research on hostility (new for us) and pulled together an adapted scale. Unfortunately, due to project staff changes and other things, I cannot track down the sources of these two items:

• If I could, there are some people I definitely would hurt physically.
• I enjoy competing with others just to show them I can get ahead.

If anyone knows where these are from, I would appreciate your sending me an email I believe these may be from the Cook-Medley or some other tool used in clinical work.

Thanks in advance!

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