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 Interview with Elliot Aronson
Posted by: Marti Hope Gonzales
Title/Position: Associate Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: University of MInnesota
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 21st, 2010

Dear Colleagues,

Given the enthusiastic reactions to Elliot Aronson’s newly released memoir from Basic Books, both on our listserv and on Amazon:

I’m delighted to call your attention to an interview with Elliot scheduled for Friday, September 24th, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. That’s 12-1:20 Minneapolis and Dallas (Central) time, 11-12:20 Denver and Albuquerque (Mountain) time, and 10-11:20 Santa Cruz and Seattle (Pacific) time.

The in-depth interview will last 80 minutes and will be conducted via teleconfererence. All you need is a phone (cell or LAN line) or Skype. As is the case in NPR interviews, the structure of the conversation with Elliot will be shaped largely by listeners’ questions. To participate by listening, go to to register--for free! After you register and provide your email address, you will be sent information on the number to call to listen to the interview or to access a digital recording afterward. To submit an email question for Elliot, use (you can submit questions in advance of the interview, or during the conversation proper).

As an additional perk associated with your listserv membership, all you need to do to move your question ahead in the queue is to mention that you are a member of SPSP, and your question will take priority. The easiest way to do this is to include in your Subject line “ELLIOT, [your name], SPSP.” Should you register but find yourself unable to participate on Friday, you will still have access to the digital recording.

Please join Elliot and his interviewer, Ben Dean, to discuss Elliot’s life, work, and--if you’ve read it, or even if you haven’t yet--his extraordinary autobiography, Not by Chance Alone.

Best to each and all,
Marti Hope Gonzales

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