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 Social Psychology Postdoc at the U. of Amsterdam
Posted by: Kai Jonas
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Amsterdam
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 28th, 2010

The University of Amsterdam Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG) is the largest educational and research institution in the social sciences in the Netherlands. The Faculty serves 7,500 students in numerous Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Communication Science, Psychology, Social Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, and Educational Sciences. The academic staff is employed in education as well as research. There are over 1,100 employees at the Faculty, which resides in a number of buildings in the heart of Amsterdam.

The Department of Psychology is looking for a:

Postdoc in Social Psychology
1.0 FTE (38hrs)
vacancy number 10-2063

We offer a dynamic and supportive environment, in an internationally recognized department that ranks among the best in the Netherlands for research and teaching. The department is situated near the centre of town, and has excellent facilities for undertaking research in a broad range of areas (with state-of-the-art facilities available, such as eye-tracking, EEG, ERP and fMRI, cognitive behavioural testing suites, social observation lab).

The postdoc will be hired as part of a research project on 'Humiliation in Conflictual Intergroup Contexts: Causes, Experiences and Consequences' sponsored by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The postdoc project is concerned with the analysis of the causes, experiences and consequences of humiliation for both minority and majority groups, for example in the Netherlands. The research project primarily has a fundamental research focus, but will also take applications of the results into account. Key questions are the conceptualization of humiliation as a psychological process and the analysis of victim-to-perpetrator trajectories that can fuel intergroup conflicts. The postdoc will have a minor teaching load, consisting mainly of guest lectures in existing courses, small scale undergraduate teaching, and individual supervision of students (max. 20% of the time).

A PhD in Social Psychology or a closely related field. Successful applicants should possess an excellent research record, as evidenced by publications. The ideal candidate is an experimental social psychologist with strong research interests in intergroup research, self regulation, or social cognition approaches to intergroup phenomena. We expect excellent writing skills and expertise with respect to advanced statistical analysis and programming of experiments (e.g. in Medialab, Inquisit), as well as the interest to apply techniques such as eye tracking. The candidate should be prepared to devote full attention to the current project.

Further information:
For more information please contact Dr Kai J. Jonas:+31 (0)20 525 6888,

We offer a temporary full-time position for one year with -- at good performance -- the prospect of an extension for another year (in total max. 2 years). The gross monthly salary will range from €3,195 to €3,636.

Job application:
Applications should consist of a cover letter describing your scholarly work, a research statement of your current and future research plans and aspirations, a list of potential referees, and a full CV. Please send applications to: Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Department of Social Psychology, Attn. Mrs J. Verduijn, Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam. Please write "strictly confidential" on the envelope and refer to the number of this vacancy in the top left-hand corner of the envelope. Applications may also be emailed to (please use the number of the vacancy in the header/subject of the email). The closing date is: Sept 5, 2010. We plan to run the interviews with potential candidates in the week starting September 20, 2010.

Refer to:
Psychology Research Institute (
Social Psychology (

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