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 MAPP Workshop 2010: Innovative Methods in Consumer Research
Posted by: Julia Rolsted Stacey
Title/Position: Communication Manager
School/Organization: MAPP, Aarhus University School of Business
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 16th, 2010

Call for Abstracts

Consumer researchers use increasingly sophisticated methods. Some of these provide richer information, some provide more "objective" information, and others aim to discover complex structures.

How useful are these methods in practice? Do they really lead to improved understanding and prediction of consumer behaviour? And what are the challenges facing the prospective user? We invite submissions covering the following topics:

--Semi-qualitative data collection techniques (behaviour observation, diary methods, event sampling)
--Objective measures (eye-tracking, implicit measures, neurophysiological techniques)
--Modelling of high-dimensional data (data mining, hybrid models, three-way analysis)

Workshop Format
The annual MAPP workshop is a relatively intimate forum, limited to 30 participants. Researchers from academia and industry present innovative research, meet future collaborators, and discuss the latest ideas.

The workshop will be held at Hotel Kongebrogaarden (*****), which stands on the coast of Little Belt close to Middelfart, which can conveniently be reached from Copenhagen Airport via a direct train service.

Participants are expected to arrive on May 4, 2010, for a joint dinner and networking. The workshop takes place on May 5. The fee is DKK 3000.00.

Programme Committee
Professor Klaus G. Grunert, professor Joachim Scholderer and communications manager Julia Rolsted Stacey are responsible for the workshop programme.

Submission Guidelines
Please submit abstracts of their oral contributions to Julia Rolsted Stacey, mail Submissions should include:

Abstract (up to 350 words)
Keywords (up to 5)

Deadline for submissions is March 24, 2010.

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