Listserv Message Center

Two Visiting Positions at St. Lawrence University |
Posted by: | Jim Fryer |
Title/Position: | Visiting Assistant Professor |
School/Organization: | St. Lawrence University |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | February 8th, 2010 |
Two one-year visiting positions at the Assistant Professor level are available beginning in the fall semester of 2010 at St. Lawrence University. The Psychology department has 11 full-time faculty members, one academic support person, and approximately 150 junior/senior majors.
Applicants for both positions should have their Ph.D. by September 1, 2010, but ABD candidates may be considered. Hard copies of an application letter, vita, original teaching evaluations (if available), representative preprints/reprints, and three letters of reference should be sent to the appropriate search chair.
The deadline for the receipt of application materials is February 19, 2010. Applications received after this deadline may be reviewed beginning March 15, 2010, but only in the event that the position has not already been filled.
Social Psychology
We seek an individual who can teach Social Psychology (with laboratory), Research Methods (with laboratory), Introductory Psychology, and an additional course in an area of expertise such as health psychology, cultural psychology, or sex roles, among others. The position will entail teaching three undergraduate courses or two courses and a laboratory each semester. An important consideration in the selection process will be the extent to which an applicant’s areas of teaching interest and professional expertise complement those of current department members.
Application materials for the Social position should be sent to: Social Psychology Search Chair, Department of Psychology, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617-1475.
Developmental Psychology
We seek an individual who can teach two sections of Developmental Psychology and one section of Introductory Psychology in the fall semester. The three-course teaching load in the spring semester has yet to be specified but, depending on the expertise of the successful candidate, could include the following options: Research Methods with lab (which would count as two courses), courses focused on specialty topics (e.g., Language Acquisition, Social Development, Aging), or an applied course with a community-based internship component.
Application materials for the Developmental position should be sent to: Developmental Psychology Search Chair, Department of Psychology, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617-1475.