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Request for Research Stimuli
Posted by:
Phillip Getty
Research Associate
Lehigh University
Sent to listserv of:
Date posted:
February 3rd, 2010
Dear Colleagues,
Mike Gill and I are doing some research on factors that influence prosocial responding. We are interested in whether anyone has and is willing to share some stimuli/manipulations with us.
In particular, we are looking for:
(1) Short videos (about 1- 3 minutes long) that show the same target looking emotionally neutral vs. emotionally distressed (sad, upset).
(2) A task that can be used to manipulate participants’ sense of personal control (e.g., “I can control events” vs. “I cannot control events”). We already have knowledge of and access to the tasks from Pittman & D'Agostino (1989) and from Warburton, Williams, & Cairns (2006). Suggestions of alternatives that are available would be great!