Listserv Message Center

Postdoctoral Position on Culture and Emotion |
Posted by: | Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera |
Title/Position: | Assistant Professor |
School/Organization: | Wesleyan University |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | February 2nd, 2010 |
Dear colleagues,
Please see below an ad for a postdoctoral position on culture, emotion, and cognition at the Department of Psychology, Wesleyan University. We seek applicants with a strong quantitative background to collaborate with us on projects that require advance statistical knowledge (e.g., physiological data, daily diary data).
Please send questions and applications directly to me.
Best, Patricia
A two-year postdoctoral research fellowship, with possible renewal for a third year, is available to work with Dr. Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera (patricia.rodriguezmosquera@wesleyan.edu) and Dr. Steve Stemler (sstemler@wesleyan.edu) on the role of culture in emotional and cognitive processes. We seek an outstanding candidate with a PhD in psychology or education and a strong background in quantitative research methods and assessment. There will be ample freedom for the postdoctoral fellow to pursue projects within the broad scope of cultural influences on cognitive and emotional processes. Fellows will also teach one undergraduate course per year in an area of their interest and have opportunities to mentor exceptional undergraduates involved in research. Wesleyan is a selective liberal arts institution with strong research programs and faculty engaged in well-funded, cutting edge research. To apply, please forward a curriculum vitae and statement of research interests directly to the appropriate investigators at the email addresses given above. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until positions are filled. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.